Quality Jobs, Quality Chemists
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Site Information

Q. How much does cen-chemjobs.org cost?
A. Most of the services on cen-chemjobs.org are free to job seekers. Services for recruiting professionals may involve a fee.

Q. Does cen-chemjobs.org have international jobs posted on the site?
A. An employer may post overseas openings. Jobseekers can go to “International Marketplace” for information on finding work abroad.

Q. What can I do on cen-chemjobs.org?
A. As a Job Seeker, you can do the following:

Load up to 3 original format resumes, a cover letter, or anything else you may want to use to sell yourself to a recruiter.

  1. Using "Notify Me!" you can create a personal search agent that notifies you by e-mail when a job ad meeting your criteria is entered into the database.
  2. Create your confidential account when you apply for a job or submit your resume to the resume database. Your account stores your contact information, cover letter, text resume, and any additional resumes or documents. Your account also keeps track of the jobs you applied for.
  3. Search the database by keyword only, view all jobs, or by using an advanced search engine with multiple criteria. You can drill down within the results to further refine your search-without starting over again.

As a hiring professional, you can do the following:

  1. Post a job ad of any length and preview your advertisement before you post it.
  2. You can choose to include your company logo, profile, a link to all your company's job postings on cen-chemjobs.org, and a link to your company's Web site within the posting for enhanced visibility.
  3. Applications are automatically e-mailed to your desktop. Each application is ranked according to the criteria you establish and includes a cover letter, text resume, and any other documents the candidate submitted.
  4. Receive a notice before any of your job postings expire so you can choose to repost the position or let it expire.
  5. Quickly determine the number of candidates who have seen your postings, the number of applications submitted, the dates the jobs were posted, and the closing dates.
  6. Choose who has access to your account and what privileges they enjoy.

Q. Are there any entry-level positions posted on cen-chemjobs.org?
A. A company can post entry- to senior-level positions on cen-chemjobs.org.

Q. I am an employer. How can I search the resume database?
A. You can test drive the system by searching the resume database for summary information on candidates that match your criteria for free-if you like what you see,

Q. I am an employer. How can I search the resume database?
A. You can test drive the system by searching the resume database for summary
information on candidates that match your criteria for free-if you like what you see, simply purchase one of the resume searching services to access the candidate's resume and profile information. You may sign up online here.


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