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My Account

Q. I forgot the password for my account. Do I have to start over?
A. No. When you see the box to log in to your account, click on "I forgot my password". We will be happy to send your login and password information to you. Just enter your e-mail address and it will be on its way.

Q. How can I be sure that my boss won't see my resume?
A. Cen-chemjobs.org allows you to choose, absolutely free, to post your resume privately. If you elect to participate in our searchable resume databank, your text resume will be used. If you opt to keep your information confidential, it is your responsibility to remove all personal information from your text resume. If this confidential resume is also your primary job application resume, then contact information from your profile will automatically be added to the resume, during the application process. Original formatted resumes and other documents can be included in your profile database; refer to the Document Manager feature at bottom of job application form.

Q. How do I open an account?
A. Click on the "Access My Personal Account" link. You will see a box asking you to log in. In the upper right hand corner is "Register". As a first-time user, complete the contact information form and click "Register Now".

The next screen has your temporary log in and password information. For security reasons, we suggest you change them at this point. If you choose not to change them, please write them down so you can log back into the system.

Q. How do I paste a current resume into your form?
A. First, go to the Contact Information page using your web browser. Scroll down to the Document Management section.

Then, open your resume using a word processor or text editor. If your resume is formatted (bold, underlining, italics, or bullets), you will have to remove the formatting to make your resume a plain text document.

Copy your resume to the clipboard (Edit|Select All and Edit|Copy).

Click in the Document Management text box and paste your resume from the clipboard (Edit|Paste). If "Paste" is not highlighted in the "Edit" menu, try using the paste key command, command-V for Macintosh, Ctrl+V for Windows. Be sure to click in the text box before pasting. You should see a cursor in the box.

Q. How do I change my e-mail address or my password?
A. You can change your password using the link on your Personal Account page. Going to your account page and updating your profile can change your e-mail address.

Q. How do I cancel a New Job Alert?
A. Log into your Personal Account, click on New Job Alert and you'll be able to edit or delete all your New Job Alert search requests.

Q. I want to relocate. How can I tell which employers are looking for employees in a specific geographic area?
A. When you enter your search criteria you can select one specific location or multiple locations to search against. Or, when you set up your Notify Me! e-mail requests, you can specify the geographic locations you're interested in.

Q. How do I find out which companies I have sent my resume to?
A. Your Personal Account includes a list of companies and dates for all job applications submitted and whether the job is still active.

Q. Can I tell which employers have read my resume off the database?
A. We do not track who has seen your resume. The employers will contact you if your qualifications meet their needs.

Q. How can I see what my resume will look like after I post it?
A. After you submit your resume, it will be placed in the Document Manager. We suggest uploading an original copy of your formatted resume as well. You have the option to upload multiple documents to your profile using the Document Manager. A text resume will still be required to apply online for a job.

Q. I'm not getting any hits on my resume. What am I doing wrong?
A. You may need to refine your job search. If you are an ACS member, you can request a review of your resume by an ACS Career Consultant. The Consultant may be able to suggest improvements to your resume to improve your chances.

Q. I just accepted a great job offer and am no longer looking, can I remove my resume from your service?
A. Congratulations! We suggest you keep your resume on the database so you don't have to start from scratch should you need it again. Simply edit your Personal Account and select the option, "No, don't post my resume." That will prevent your resume from being searched. Keep in mind, however, that any employers who downloaded your resume as part of your job application may have retained your resume.

If you are fairly sure that you want all your information taken out of the database permanently, edit your Personal Account and select "Delete My Account."

Q. How do I edit my resume information?
A. Log in to your Personal Account and open the Document Manager. Select the resume you would like to edit and click the 'edit' link. This will take you to the resume page. Edit your resume to your liking and click the 'submit' button at the bottom to save your changes.


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